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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Windows 8 වගේ ලිනක්ස් OS එකක්






Zorin OS is a multi-functional operating system designed specifically for Windows users who want to have easy and smooth access to Linux. It is based on Ubuntu which is the most popular desktop Linux operating system in the world.

Exclusive Software

Zorin OS features our unique Look Changer program that we have created exclusively for Zorin OS. It allows users to change the user interface at the touch of a button. Other unique programs include Splash Screen Manager, Internet Browser Manager and Background Plus.


Zorin OS gives users more flexibility.
It allows you to use Zorin OS alongside your current operating system and run Microsoft Windows programs in Zorin OS with the help of WINE and PlayOnLinux.

Main advantages:

Super secure

Thanks to Zorin OS's immunity to Windows viruses you will never have to worry about any of that nasty malware. And when a potential security threat arises, software updates usually come in a matter of hours.
With Zorin OS you are sure to have peace of mind.

Exclusive software:

Zorin Look Changer

The Look Changer lets you change your desktop to look and act like either Windows 7, XP, Vista, Ubuntu Unity, Mac OS X or GNOME 2 for ultimate ease of use.

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